Mission: The mission of TMIY is to introduce to men their God-given roles and responsibilities and why it matters in their salvation and the salvation of their family members. Further, to show what evils result from our culture’s messages, and how we as men can turn our lives and our families’ lives around to better follow God. Provides information, tools, fellowship and support.
History: TMIY at St. Mary’s is an outgrowth of our parish’s Man Hour men’s ministry. The program itself was developed at a Catholic parish in Houston, TX and has since spread throughout our country and internationally. Endorsed by Bishops and Cardinals.
Website: http://paradisusdei.org/that-man-is-you/
Format: Free. Weekly sessions. Meet for an evening meal, a lesson video and small group discussion (90 minutes total each week). Videos and slides are available for registrants on the internet. Thirteen sessions in the fall; thirteen sessions in the spring.
Seeking: All men who want to be better husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, etc. Get involved as a small group leader, kitchen staff, registrar, video/IT support, etc. We are now finishing up our first year and planning for the fall. Come be a part of Jesus’ mission to the men of our world.