The SEWING BEE LADIES are led by Belles member Sue Pardo. This is a group of Belle members and interested ladies from the parish and community who get together 4 times a year to sew for the needy and sick. The ladies bring their sewing machines and lunch to St. Mary’s and spend a good part of the day sewing dresses for girls and shorts for boys living in Haiti. Pillowcases are made for hospitalized children in Intensive Care. There are plenty of jobs for interested people who don’t sew also. Dress kits are made for those who wish to sew at home. Fabric and supplies are donated.
Some of the ladies who crochet are also making mats for the homeless by recycling plastic grocery bags. These insulate those that have to sleep in sleeping bags or blankets from the wet, cold ground.
You may contact Sue Pardo at 410-456-7882 for more information or if you would like to make a donation of fabric.