This large group 7-week study begins October 2, 2024 and runs weekly through November 13, 2024.
The purpose of the Pastoral Council of St. Mary of the Assumption, Pylesville is to assist the pastor in the life and mission of the parish. The Council provides an active, authentic representative voice of the People of God in an open and honest dialogue regarding parish affairs with the pastor, associate priests, deacons and professional staff. We collaborate within the local community or parishes and also participate in Archdiocesan assemblies that further promote the mission of the Church. Finally, members of the Council are visible witnesses to all people of the message and service of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastoral Council meets monthly from September until June, on the second Tuesday of the month in the Parish Center. Parish members may attend meetings but please contact the Parish Office or a member of the board when planning to attend.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Pastoral Council is welcome to speak to a member or to Father Kunkel. Generally, elections or appointments to Council occur in the late spring, and the election of officers is completed during the first meeting of the new fiscal year, which is held in September.
An excerpt from the bylaws that describes the mission of our Pastoral Council:
“We the people of God in the parish of St. Mary of the Assumption, Pylesville, in union with each other, with our pastor, with the chief shepherd of our diocese, and in union with al the members everywhere of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ and governed by His Vicar the Bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter, do herby unite to form a pastoral Council.
We do so conscious of the fact that every one of us is a member of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27) and that in his body “there are different gifts but the same Spirit (and) different ministries but the same Lord”. (ibid vv 4-5) We acknowledge that each of us is called upon to offer our particular gifts or ministry for the service of the whole body, “so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ.” (1Peter 4:11)”