The basic message of Easter is simply this: Life is stronger than death! When all is said and done, life will come out as the winner; Jesus, the victorious one, is the one who is stronger than death!
Easter is also the greatest promise that could ever be made to anyone! It is the promise of eternal, everlasting life after our physical death. It is the promise of being saved from all of the deaths that we have gone through and still have to suffer at this particular time. It is the promise that life is always stronger than death, that nothing, no matter what it is, can prevent us from being alive in this world, even when circumstances seem to say that there is nothing left living for. However, this promise demands that we must claim this resurrection, this new life for ourselves. Thus, we should not be content with anything less than the new life that comes from Christ himself!
Jesus is the one who saves us, who rescues us. His resurrection is the promise that we also shall rise, not only after death, but also in this life! So, do you feel trapped by your own behavior? Have you tried to change something about yourself that you know hurts other people but have not been able to? Are you imprisoned by the flames of alcoholism, or greed or passion? Do you want out of your present circumstances which seem to threaten to kill any life you have left in yourself? We must all throw our arms wide open, and truly welcome the risen Christ into our lives. In Christ, all things are truly possible! And so, Easter is the day of hope. We can survive anything. No matter how bad it seems, God will help us triumph! The tomb, after all, is empty! Christ is alive in us! Happy Easter!!