We are all made equal in that no one is blessed with a
problem-free life. Where we differ is in the kinds of problems
we have, and especially in how we face our problems. In our
Gospel this weekend, Jesus instructs us to make use of prayer
to present our needs to God.
The Lord’s Prayer has traditionally been accepted as the
perfect prayer. However, resorting to prayer appears as only a
prelude to what we might call Jesus’ plan for affirmative
action. Jesus encourages persistence, never giving up until our
needs are met. His injunctions make it clear that the burden of
problem-solving is our responsibility, and that it is up to us to
do whatever we need to take care of ourselves. “And I tell
you, ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find;
knock and it will be opened to you.” In other words, life does
not improve for the resigned and apathetic. We have our part
to play!
Even if our prayers are not answered according to our
expectations, and even if our problems continue, we will not
go unrewarded for our efforts to resolve them. In some way,
Jesus tells us, our prayers are always answered - if they are
associated with action on our part.
Effective living is chasing down opportunities, stretching
oneself, setting new goals, expanding relationships; asking,
seeking, knocking! The teachings of Jesus make it very clear
that life should not be addressed with resignation to its
difficulties, but with determination and inventiveness to meet
its challenges. The best things in life do not come on a platter
but need to be pursued. Never resign yourself to fate, or
choose to be a victim. Pray, and then do what you need to
take care of yourself.
Surrendering to God’s will does not mean abdicating your
responsibilities to yourself. God helps those who help
themselves. If you have a question, search out someone who
can give you an answer; if you are confused, go to a
counselor. If you feel ill, seek medical attention. If something
is bothering you, get it out in the open. If your job is a deadend
street, start knocking on doors. If you need more love and
affection, ask for it from those you care about. Etc., etc., etc.
Seek, and find and pray!