Our next distribution of casserole pans will be held on May 11th and 12th, 2024. The frozen casseroles will need to be returned to the Parish freezer by May 19th. If you have any questions, please contact Bob at crhoopert@zoominternet.ne
WOW! Our catechists attended an awesome retreat at St. Mary Magdalene Mission on February 12 and we have been spiritually nourished!! Fr. Michael Rubeling was on FIRE with the Holy Spirit and we left feeling inspired and excited. In attendance (from left to right) were Mrs. Cindy Monius, Mrs. Christy Eller, Mrs. Diane Eakes, Mr. Mark Chamberlain, Mrs. Angela D'Alto, Mrs. Kathy Ayers, Mrs. Karen Dietz, and Ms. Meagan Dietz. Please pray for us as we attempt to bring that Holy Fire back to St. Mary's Religious Education Programs!!
The Knights of Columbus will host the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every first Tuesday of the month. CFF classes are invited by grade level to visit Jesus for 15 minutes
In keeping with the direction from Archbishop Lori, all public Masses are canceled until further notice. St. Mary's is open for Eucharistic Adoration at the following times during this period: Sunday 8:00 AM to 12 Noon Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM to 10 AM Parishioners are urged to join in praying a novena — nine days of prayer — to the Blessed Virgin Mary . The novena, inspired by a prayer by Pope Francis, asks Mary for her intercession and protection from the coronavirus.