To reach out to new parishioners and provide hospitality and support to members of our Parish community, we have formed a Hospitality Ministry. Activities that are part of our Ministry include:
o Periodic events to welcome new parishioners;
o Assistance to parishioners who are going through an illness or injury and may need temporary help with a meal or a ride;
o Visiting or sending cards to those who are ill or homebound for some other reason;
o Working with other Parish Ministries when help is needed with food or refreshments at one of their events; and
o Hosting periodic events to create opportunities for parishioners to share fellowship and socialize after Mass and on other occasions.
We invite men and women in the Parish to join our ministry. We are assembling a core team for the Ministry to organize and run the activities in which we are engaged. We invite you to become a member of that team. However, you do not need to come to meetings to be a part of the Ministry: just contact us and we will decide together how you might be able to help and then we will reach out to you when support is needed.
God has blessed us in many ways and, by giving to others in this Ministry, we are a sign of His love for all of us. Please join us.