Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of St. Mary's by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations.
About Eucharistic Minister Ministry
“It is a gift to be a Eucharistic Minister – to share the Body and Blood of Christ with another,” The moment of communion is one that should be seized by both the minister and the communicant. This moment is unique because it is both personal and much bigger than the two people.
Those called to this ministry have, or soon acquire the grace in movement and reverence in touch. Reverence in touch is especially important for Eucharistic Ministers since their whole work involves taking in hand the vessels of the Body of Christ and of the Blood of Christ and sharing them with communicants.
The eyes of the minister should meet the eyes of the communicant. The minister says words of the formula “the Body of Christ” directly to the person. When placing the consecrated host into the hand of the communicant there should be a slight and brief touch. The same is true of the cup, eye contact, the words “the Blood of Christ” and touching! All are in communion with the person of our Lord. We have communion with our living, loving, and nourishing God. This means that there can be no rush. One can minister communion with reverence and dignity and personal attention and still keep the process moving steadily.
Likewise for our non-communicants, special care is necessary when composing prayers of blessing over the people who come forward for a blessing. Eye contact, words of welcome and blessing, and of course the kind and gentle touch of the Body of Christ touching the Body of Christ.
Why Eucharistic Ministry?
Eucharistic Ministers make the communion rite take place in a timely fashion. This is not a matter of efficiency, but recognition that its meaning cannot be separated from our experience of it in the ritual. When “going to communion” takes a long time, and we are not sharing a meal with our brothers and sisters, then the communion rite loses its association with the Eucharistic prayer and the breaking of the bread. The number of Eucharistic ministers is based on the number of clergy and communicants at Mass.
Volunteer Ministry Opportunity
Purpose of Position
To distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward during the Eucharistic celebration. Those who choose not to receive the Eucharist are welcomed with a blessing.
o Assist the presider in distributing Eucharist at Mass. The minister looks each person in the eye and says, without rushing, “The Body of Christ,” “The Blood of Christ.” Each person has time to respond, “Amen.” The minister, again without hurrying, then places the Body of Christ in the hand or on the tongue and gives over the Blood of Christ.
o Find your own replacement if you are unable to serve when scheduled.
o Offer to minister on Holy Days and other special feasts.
o Offer to minister even when you are not scheduled.
o Join the other ministers in the sacristy before the liturgy begins for a short prayer
o To be a Eucharistic Minister is to be intent on the work of liturgy caught up in singing, procession and even silence. To be a Eucharistic Minister is to know deeply that we are the Body and Blood of Christ. To be with the praying community is to learn how to be in this world with reverence, with a love of God that is incarnate in how we speak to others, how we move amidst the holiness of matter and of time.
o A fully initiated Catholic, having celebrated the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and First Eucharist.
To inquire, call or email Deacon Phil, as above. The Application Form is in the left column on this page.