The St. Mary Care Ministry is a vibrant and compassionate outreach that offers spiritual, emotional, and practical support to the St. Mary parish and community. Dedicated to serving the needs of others, the ministry operates through various programs designed to uplift, comfort, and engage both the parishioners and those in need.
Key Ministries & Services:
Saint Mary’s Prayer Chain: A group of 30 devoted members who will lift up any prayer request. “Make a call, say a prayer” is the guiding principle, and members are committed to praying for individuals in need of spiritual support or healing.
The Tea Ministry: Once a month, this team prepares and serves tea and dessert for the residents of Heart Heritage, offering a warm and nurturing environment for seniors to enjoy fellowship and companionship.
Bereavement Lunch Ministry: In times of loss, this ministry offers a compassionate service by setting up our Parish Hall for receptions, serving and cleaning up after the reception meal for families following funeral services at St. Mary’s, providing nourishment and comfort during a difficult time.
Religious Article Shoppe: Donated religious articles from parishioners are made available for purchase at the shoppe during the fall chicken dinner, providing parishioners with a selection of devotional items for personal use or gifting.
Mission Rosaries: Rosaries and pamphlets are kept stocked in the back of church, encouraging prayer and spiritual reflection for the mission of the Church.
Mass of the Anointing of the Sick (Healing Mass): Masses are offered in Spring and Fall providing spiritual healing to those who are ill. The ministry organizes the Mass and provides a meal following the service, ensuring that those who attend feel spiritually and physically nourished.
“Hear Our Prayer” Book: A prayer book located near the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, where parishioners can submit their prayer requests. These intentions are remembered during every Mass, ensuring that the needs of the community are continually lifted in prayer.
May Rosary & Crowning of the Blessed Mother: Every May, the members of the Health Care Ministry come together to pray the rosary and crown the Blessed Mother in a beautiful expression of devotion and reverence.
Lap Quilts for Veterans: Fleece quilts are cut and packaged with a message for the local veteran hospital. They are delivered by one of our parishioners.
Annual Fall Afternoon Tea: In late September or early October, we hold a tea for the ladies of the parish at no charge. Attendees bring a plate of food to share and pots of tea are provided. This is an event very much enjoyed by all.
Social Fellowship: In addition to their service work, the ministry fosters social connections among members by creating a sense of community and fellowship.
Through these various initiatives, the St. Mary Care Ministry remains committed to serving both the spiritual and practical needs of the parish community, offering support, care, and aloving presence to all those they serve.