In our first reading this weekend from the Book of Wisdom,
the author says to us’ “Do not invite death by the error of your life, or
bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not
make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living
(Wisdom 1:13-14).
Yes, death is a reality, but God does not delight in death. God
delights in life! That delight is actually apparent when we consider
how the creation around us spills over with life. In homes and fields,
gardens and window boxes, and even through concrete and asphalt,
life is bursting out in this season of growth. The exuberant delight of
our creator goes to the extravagant!
Over 4,000 species of geraniums have been codified, and there
exists more than 3700 types of dogwood. Now that is extravagant!
God’s extravagance extends to us as well. Having been made for life,
we are asked to share our life and our love. Faith requires it! The
Jesus that we follow had an enormous passion for life. In this
weekend’s Gospel Jesus shared that passion for life with the leader of
a synagogue and his daughter, whom he returned to her parents full
of life! The only thing he asked of the people was to give her some
As Jesus was generous with life and life-giving food, so must we
do the same. We must focus on what gives us life in our prayers and
reflection, and in our work and our play. Lord, make our words more
than feeble sounds, and our gifts more than ordinary food and drink.
May they signify to us the life-giving presence of Jesus, your Son!